Thursday, September 8, 2011

Taking It Positively

A controversial secret society has been disturbing the thinking and morality of the people around the globe recently. Its members have been believed as followers of Satan and performing satanic belief. This controversial society is the notorious Illuminati.
The Illuminati’s existence can be traced as far as 1000 A.D. However, during those times, this secret society was not yet established. It was Adam Weishaupt, the Grand Master of the Illuminati, who formally founded the controversial society – which is now composed of elites worldwide. Weishaupt was also responsible of bringing up the conspiracy theory of the New World Order, a sinister plot to change the world by forming one government. This order has the following aims: reducing the world’s population; balancing nature’s sustainability by ruthless Population Control Agenda through Planned Parenthood and Reproduction Control; and, mass culling through Planned Parenthood, toxication of water and food supplies, release of man-made viruses inserted into various weapons,
man-made pandemics, mass vaccination campaigns and a planned Third World War. In short, Illuminati plotted to kill about 90% of the world’s population and to control and rule all aspects of the human condition from cradle to the grave.
Learning the Illuminati’s merciless intentions, anyone will be for sure. Most of us have the same fears when we talk of this controversial society especially that Illuminati symbols (all-seeing eye symbol, horns, and the like) are publicized nowadays. However, the weight of Illuminati’s wickedness is left to the individuals’ discretion. Furthermore, each one of us has the liberty to believe or not to believe if the Illuminati group indeed exists. Somehow, believing in their existence does not mean that we have to live a life full of terror. If so, we will turn into bunch of paranoids. We need not to pinpoint Lady Gaga’s obvious-Illuminati art of delivering her songs and how other artists have been starting to do the same. We do not have to refrain ourselves from watching movies which we believed are in uenced by the Illuminati.
I am not saying that we become fans of Illuminati neither I am saying that its members are good. My point here is that we have to open our minds and realize that their existence will not decide on what path we are going to take in our lives. Take for example the tsunami in Japan. Many were claiming that it was done by the Illuminati. We tend to jump into conclusions without putting into consideration the acts of nature. Then we associate it with the forthcoming of 2012 – thinking that the world will end soon and all of these are works of Illuminati. Actually, we are the ones imposing negative auras to ourselves. Maybe we haven’t noticed yet that taking the existence of the Illuminati positively will do good. McDonalds Corp. and Walt Disney, for instance, are believed to be two of the big industries that were part of the Illuminati. Then I ask: Are we affected on how they operate their branches? Do we have second thoughts on purchasing their products?
The same goes if we turn our fears regarding the Illuminati’s existence into our guiding light to check our spiritual status. The more we are aware of the devil’s works, the more we draw ourselves back to our Creator. Consequently, the more we care for our surroundings and act accordingly to what is right.
It is not bad to believe in their existence as long as we will not allow ourselves to be too overwhelmed and get carried away by how the internet are presenting their occult existence. It is better to take everything positively.