Saturday, October 3, 2009

Longing Out To Be On Line

I long to be a sort of porpoise
Not belonging to a tortoise
Never to be called infauna
Always been in trauma
I long to be an angora rabbit
Never cloaking and forestalling for onset
No more precautions for hawks
Always indoors and no more storks
I long to be the next Flora
In orchards and orchids I have my aura
Or the next Oread
I will always be called
I long to be Emilio Aguinaldo
To forge democracy not to forego
To foster nationalism
To be portrayed a person of moralism
But all are not authenticity
Longing are not auditory but just in a corky
Ahoy! The morgue wharf have already come
for Maundy Thursday
Portal of vault orders no entry

Note: This is an original poem by Red Phantom.

Friday, October 2, 2009

The Attack

Can hardly breathe
Keep on coughing
Keep on wheezing
Head is aching
Heart is throbbing
95 beats per minute
Already drooping
Night comes again
Can hardly sleep
Keep on leaning in the chair
Keep on waking
Another day
I’m tottering
Keep on grasping for air
Keep on living