Saturday, October 3, 2009

Longing Out To Be On Line

I long to be a sort of porpoise
Not belonging to a tortoise
Never to be called infauna
Always been in trauma
I long to be an angora rabbit
Never cloaking and forestalling for onset
No more precautions for hawks
Always indoors and no more storks
I long to be the next Flora
In orchards and orchids I have my aura
Or the next Oread
I will always be called
I long to be Emilio Aguinaldo
To forge democracy not to forego
To foster nationalism
To be portrayed a person of moralism
But all are not authenticity
Longing are not auditory but just in a corky
Ahoy! The morgue wharf have already come
for Maundy Thursday
Portal of vault orders no entry

Note: This is an original poem by Red Phantom.

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