Saturday, November 12, 2011

My Precious Child

        “Nicholle, be a good boy and stay with Rikah for a while. Mommy will be right back, okay?” Nicholle keeps on sobbing while clutching Kelly’s arms. She just hugs her son to calm him down.
        Kelly then turns to Rikah. “Escape through the tender at the aft. I’ll meet you at the tenth ship in the west…” Kelly pats Rikah’s shoulder and continues, “please take care of my son….”
        Kelly exits the afterdeck first. A heavy blow shakes the whole ship afterwards. It’s the signal for Rikah and Nicholle to proceed to the escape route.
        I hope everything will go smoothly as planned. Kelly keeps on praying. She closes her eyes as the salty wind presses on her skin while standing recklessly at the bridge of the ship. She then hears growls beneath the ocean. They’re finally here.
        Fish-like creatures with four feet like that of a toad begin to leap from the ocean into the bow of the ship. Kelly can sense their hunger. The more aware she is of their vicious desires; the more her fury turns into ferocity.
        Kelly glides from the bridge of the ship down to the starboard. She then rushes towards the hateful creatures and takes off two daggers from her side. With her clear combat movements, Kelly swiftly slashes each creature’s gilled chest. They are increasing in number but Kelly somehow manages to dodge their every attack. However, she’s not certain how long she can keep up with the fight. In any way, she has to distract them long enough for her son and Rikah to reach the safest place in the west.
        After three hours of gory battle, Kelly finally comes to her limits. One of the creatures attacks Kelly from the back and unfortunately bites her left shoulder. She falls over her knees as blood starts to drip; but she endures the pain. She then grips the creature’s fish-like head and tugs it down in front of her, following a deep cut in its neck.
        Kelly regains her position but more and more creatures are coming out from the sea. Kelly has no other choice but to blow up the bow of the ship even if it means risking her own life. Kelly then scoots to the front of the starboard and strips out the tender’s cover. She lights a match and throws it to the dynamites inside the tender. She then quickly jumps into the sea.
        As her body submerges into the ocean, Kelly feels the saltwater slowly drowning her. She wants to open her eyes but she can’t. Her body feels numb. She can only hear the rumbling sound of the sinking ship. She knows, with her condition, she will not survive.
        Kelly’s hearing begins to fade away. Then memories start occupying her mind.
        The Pacific cruise ship, where Kelly and her son were in, hit something. Then cries from the other passengers followed.
        Kelly, who was staying at the fourteenth cabin of the ship, just grabbed her son and ran off to the ship’s uppermost deck. There, she witnessed an utter display of despair. Why and how their situation turned into something chaotic was unknown to her.
        Amidst the hysterical passengers, Kelly dashed to the ship’s bow since the ship was slowly sinking at its stern. She then hugged her son tightly with her right hand while holding on to the ship’s taffrail with the other. She knew that surviving in a shipwreck in the Pacific Ocean was hopeless. Still she prayed for a miracle to come.
        Kelly closed her eyes as she felt her son’s tears falling in her arms. “Mommy...mommy...I’m so scared...” Kelly didn’t know how to respond to her son’s distress. All she could do was to blame herself.
        As the ship’s bow sunk in the ocean, Kelly promised to herself, “If I’d be given another chance to live with my child, I would protect him with all my life and wouldn’t allow him to die in my arms again.” Tears dropped from Kelly’s eyes as her vision turned dark.
        However, Kelly didn’t know that her nightmare was just about to begin.
        Kelly and her son woke up in an abandoned ship. She was thankful enough to see her son alive; though, at the back of her mind, she was unsure of what the future would hold for both of them.
        The earth where they were awakened was not the same earth that they had known. It was entirely different -- no islands and no land animals existed. What was present was the ocean and billions of ships to keep humans alive. What was worse was the existence of seawater creatures that fed on humans.
        Kelly feels the wind slapping in her face. She knows she has regained her consciousness but her body wouldn’t respond. She hears something but she’s not sure whether someone is calling her or is it just the sound of the ocean waves. She relaxes a bit to grasp her surroundings. She slowly moves her fingers and clears her mind. She takes a deep breath and listens carefully to the wind.
        “…Mommy…please, wake up mommy…”
        She knows that voice – that sad tone of a voice. She feels the urge to be back to her senses. I must comfort my child. I must…
Kelly finally opens her eyes and jerks forward. She is gasping and shaking as she vomits an amount of seawater. She then stands up and walks uncomfortably.
        She looks around to search for her son, but she is astounded of what she saw. She has survived and is now in a ship with hundreds of survivors. This is the first time she has been on a ship with so many survivors.
        She looks around again, hoping she can find her son. She runs into the survivors and asks each one of them about her son, but no one knows.  
        Kelly nearly loses hope when she sees Rikah weeping at the deck. She grabs her and asks her in a flustered voice, “Rikah…where…where’s Nicholle…”
Rikah looks at Kelly, weeping and shaking her head. Then Kelly’s eyes go blank.

Note: This is an original story by Red Phantom.


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Crimson Dusts

This is the tenth time I have gone deep in the Dark Forest. Though I have been warned many times of the dangers that await me here, I never hesitated on continuing this jaunt. That’s because, every time I smell the dried leaves falling from those boughs, every time I hear the million drops of water from those huge vines, I feel I am getting closer to my destination. It’s this feeling that drives me back here. I can’t deny it.
Twenty…no fifteen. Fifteen more strides and I’ll get to see what I came here for. It’s all the same – the trees, the barred night sky, the wild animals that kept on coming after each steps I made. It seemed this place hasn’t changed at all since the first time I lost my way here. I can still remember this same feeling I have now. It’s like I have known this place even before. So amiable.
Just like the last time I visited here, this place is full of magic. The hundred-year-old Oak tree glimmers as thousands of fireflies dance with ease around it just as they were preparing for the coming of their queen. The Oak’s leaves are swirling as if it was beckoning me to join their party. Beyond this rare beauty I have witnessed for the tenth time is the pleasant harmony that came from nowhere. Everything here is a mystery.
I couldn’t help myself but accept the implicit invitation this place has offered me. It’s inevitable for an orphan like me. This courtesy that the heart of the forest has showed – it’s like a dream. No one has been so dear to me before, not even my so-called friends cared much of me. I guess I’m really that lonely calling them as my friends though all they do was to torment me.
But this place, which I have not even known for years have given me the essence of a home. It’s too dreamy for me to feel this way. I will not let these moment pass. Just even through this, I can finally say that there’s still a place where I belong. There is a place where I can finally dance and sing without being bothered that someone might get annoyed or pissed off. This is the kind of home I have been seeking all this time.
It’s been an hour since I’ve arrived here in the heart of the forest. It’s about time for the queen to come out now and join the fun.
I can hear trumpets blowing from afar. She’s near. For the first time, I would be seeing her close unlike before where I would only be watching her flew above us towards the other side of the forest. This day is very special, indeed, for the queen to join us.
There, up that night sky, I can sense the silhouette of the queen blocking the moon’s light. It’s something I have never expected to witness at this kind of place. It’s full of mystery yet so warming. Just the sight of these scenes would calm me down.
Her  thin, silky, purple wings are flapping smoothly as hundreds of tiny magical crimson dusts fall from them. I wonder how those dusts didn’t reached the grounds after they fell. She is coming close to me. I can now clearly see her. But, I was deceived of my expectations. She is more than an angel. With those reddish eyes that glitter as she comes closer to me and that flawless face of her, I can’t tell whether a human could ever possessed such perfect structure. Her periwinkle hair is waving along with every breath of the wind. I am stunned with this kind of beauty.
The queen draws her slender hands on my forehead. Come, my child, enjoy the night with us ‘til you get tired. I can’t see her lips move but I can hear those gentle words of her in my head. As result, I let her take hold of me and made me joined the party with her. We are dancing, singing, eating, and drinking all throughout the night. I never had these kinds of stuffs before – stuffs that would give me bliss this much.
I know I am not imagining all of these because I’ve been here for so many times. I can feel its physical existence. Even though I can’t fathom what lies behind its magic and mystery, I’m still glad to be part of it. All of the mythical beings I have been with tonight seemed to understand what I feel from the start. They have comforted me so much, though I am a complete stranger. A nobody.
Child, have all the fun and be at home. Those words of the queen keep on repeating in my head. This feeling I have now is so grand that I couldn’t stop it from bursting. These scenes, if they were on the world outside this forest, I would not have gone all the way here just to witness them. My tears poured suddenly.
“My child, what’s wrong? Aren’t you having fun with us?” She wiped my tears as she uttered those words with concern. This time, her lips moved but she seemed to be troubled.
My tears then burst harder. “Why are you so kind to me? I am not one of you…”
I expected a bleak response but the queen smirked back and patted me, instead. “Why are you so worried my child? Haven’t my minions told you that you’re a part of this family?” After hearing those words of assurance, I suddenly felt at ease. My tears are beginning to wear away. I haven’t heard anyone said such kind words without hesitations ever since.   
The queen then flew up as high as the Oak tree and swirled around. I can the crimson dusts falling from her wings. Brownies circled beneath the queen and with them is a wide golden cloth. For the first time, the dusts finally fall into something. It’s another magic and mystery I couldn’t even tell how and why it happened.  
The queen flew back to me holding the golden cloth tightly. “The time has come my child. You have been summoned and you responded obediently. It’s time to give you back what really belongs to you. Welcome to this world, my child!” She handed me the golden cloth then flew again and sang in rejoice. The harmony now is getting louder and even more pleasant. It is slowly creeping into my body. Something inside me is awakened.

Note: This is an original story by Red Phantom.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

There I Am

Awaken from the world of fantasies
There I am standing in the horizon
Still trying to escape away from reality
From the echoes of their grief
From the chokes of their havocs
From their bloody plea
From the facts they revealed to me.

It’s harsh to hear their cries
Gloomy in all the days of their lives
Daring themselves to survive
Hiding all the torments inside their hearts
Carrying their crosses ten thousand times
Waiting for a hero to revive their wills
But none are born to be the chosen one
Now, I must awake myself from fantasies.

Note: This is an original poem by Red Phantom.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Which is which? (What would I really be?)

Choosing between things I really wanted to do (or what I am really good at, I suppose) and things I am bound to do (or things which I did not wish to do at first) is very hard. I guess many people have been into this kind of dilemma, too.
But, the mere thought of choosing is already a pain in the ass – more when each weighs the same, though at different aspects. It’s like deciding whether to spend a lump sum to refurbish a mansion passed on from ancestors or to buy a brand new condo to live on. Both have advantages and disadvantages on the traditional and practical outlook, though.
It was when I step in college that choosing turned into a tight spot. My interests and not-supposed interests got mixed up. I wanted to study B.S. Accountancy but I ended up studying the simulation and programming of computers. Actually, I don’t have the pursuit on dealing with computers. Circumstances only brought me into this field.
What baffled me lately was the fact that the study I am into now offers lots of opportunities and probably breakthroughs. Rationality is slapping me straightly while my heart eagerly tells me to listen to her. I still have an option, though. But, am I really for banking or for technologies?
Aside from that, there is also this intense craving inside of me – to be an artist. Yes, I do really love sketching a lot of things and it makes my heart jumps whenever I expressed myself through it. Such fun and bliss would I feel whenever I do so.
Honestly, I have dreamed – and still dreaming on this very moment – to be a mangaka. Yes, I even already reserved my very own stories and characters for this dream. This inflamed more when I learned that my ever so notorious favorite band (My Chemical Romance) members are comic book artists. I do hope that I would turn out like them. So successful.
Up until now, discerning what I will become after ten years or so is hazy. I do not know. I might become somebody who I, or perhaps my family, would never expect me to become. I might end up the least I could be. Or perhaps, I might find myself in a quiet corner. Whatever it may be, I’ll gladly accept my fate. For sure, when that day comes, I’m mature enough to handle everything.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Not the Times of Yore

The rays of the sun kissed my cheeks and the hen’s cluck buzzed to wake me up. Time is telling me to get my back off the bed. I then went out the room to check what’s for the day. My mother is busy preparing our breakfast – fried rice and some scrambled eggs.  My sister is still asleep in our room so as my brother in the other room. My father is not there – even his shadow.
It’s 6:30 in the morning, a Sunday morning. This is a great time to start a whole day of relaxation after a week of sleepless nights, laborious projects, and hostile instructors. Thinking of the following week’s activities and more accountability makes me want to go back to bed again then sleep 24/7. But doing this for sure will give me the assurance to work three more times than the usual. Today is Sunday, the only rest day, so I must restrain myself from thinking draining toing and froing.
The T.V. programs are not yet that interesting for me so I sit near the window next to where my mother is cooking. I then look outside. A girl catches my attention. She looks pale. She is not playing with the other kids in the neighborhood. She is holding her ragged doll. I wonder why she is only standing next to the kids who are busy playing early in the morning.
A kid goes near the girl and invites her to play with them but she refuses. Another kid invites her but she refuses again. What’s wrong with her? This suddenly comes out my mind. I want to go to her but I can’t.
The kids in the neighborhood stopped playing then approach her. They are somewhat talking to her. I can see those in their mouths – moving slowly and taking some quick smiles. After a while, a boy offers her his hands and holds her. She squirms and neglects the boy’s attention. Her eyes are glowing hot. She is cussing the kids. I can clearly see it. She knows those kids are only pretending to care for her. The truth is they are parasites like lice in those abandoned dogs in their community.
The kids are slowly leaving her – one by one. She is alone again. What’s wrong with her? I ask myself for the second time. I want to speak with her. I want that ragged doll to be thrown away. I want her to smile even for a second. I want her to speak out. But I can’t do anything. The scene is crushing me. The girl is still holding the doll. Throw that doll away!  She can’t hear anything I say. I hope she would hear me saying those words soon.
The kids are going home one by one. The girl is left alone standing on the other side of the street. I know she is waiting for someone – someone who is a once part of her life. I know she wishes to bring back the times that have passed. I know her entreaty to change the past.
That girl on the other side of the street…nobody would understand her. Nobody took the chance to know her feelings, her inner thoughts. Nobody will because nobody has the courage to be au fait with her – even her dearly loved family.
I wish to hug her for a second to let her know that someone from her future has cared for her. I then take a last look at her and the ragged doll on her hands as she fades away.
My mom suddenly patted my shoulder and signaled that breakfast is ready. Before I could set myself for my morning meal, I went to my room then stood at the door. Memories played in my mind. This was the room where I used to play with my doll nine years ago.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Dear Myself,

Look at you. I can tell you’re so down right now as always. You have been like that for these past nineteen years. Haven’t you gotten tired of yourself already? I suppose that’s how you really are. More than anyone else, I’m the only one who knows you that much. Your inspirations, your sophistications, your miseries, your suppressed happiness, your wickedness – I’m your sole comfort and confidant for all of them.
But, for this once, I beg of your apology ‘coz I’ll be treacherous. I know you’ll despise a part of me after this but you should be considerate ‘coz I am bound of doing this task. I know how much you really hate it when somebody talks about you but there’s no other way to work things out. So, from here on, I’m gonna set off to end this traumatic blog.
I know there’s no point in predicting who you’ll be in the future and talking trashes about you past ‘coz you believe that everything happens just the way it is and who you are now makes up both of them. Though, you believe that what you are now is not who you really are inside. I can say this is the reason why you fail. You don’t fail ‘coz you can’t do any better; you fail ‘coz you intended to. (I hope, someday, you’ll be able to do things the way you wanted it to be.)
But still, I’m proud of you. You really got amazing goals. (I guess they’re that amazing for both of us.) To what age may it become possible, you are confident that you’ll live in Europe (in Italy or in England, perhaps) and see Vatican city for yourself then visit Harry Potter. Part of your goals, too, is to pass Quezon city first and meet 6cyclemind; then, go to California to rock My Chemical Romance and babysit Bandit Lee Way for a week. But, beyond those, you really got this ultimate goal in life – that is, to create your very own mangakas out of those dreams you had when you were seventeen and dreams that you’ll possibly have in the years to come.   
I am also proud of you ‘coz, even if you dreamed of living in Europe, you still love your motherland. I can clearly remember how you drew on your notebook the floor plan of your desired mansion that you planned to put up on a hill in Bogo city.
Before I end this blog, I’ll disclose a certain part of you that even your family don’t understand. You’re the type who isn’t interested in getting married nor being in a relationship. You despise being with a partner and you even dislike watching movies and animes with genre of pure-love-story. In short, you’re asexual. However, you still love and that love is only reserved for your family and friends. You really like yourself that way.
I bet, with this shocking revelation, others will finally understand you. Somehow. I know you really have a hard time expressing yourself to others. So, I guess you should thank me for this great favor.

Your Alter Ego

Dear myself, please remember every details (especially your goals) that I have written about you in this blog ‘coz all of these make up the whole of you. Be reminded that wherever you go and whenever you may be, you are still you and nothing will change about you as long as I am inside you. Though, this time I happen to betray you, but I will still stay by your side and be your sole confidant.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Red Rose Victim

The kingdom is in great mourn.
The death of the king has divided the House of Lords and the House of the Commons. Even the servants of the royal family have separate views on whether the suspect is to be blamed or not. How could there be no division if the prime suspect of the king’s death is his only child, Princess Jezebeth.
Now here she comes. On her side are the king’s soldiers. Poor Princess, her beauty is now hidden in her tattered regalia. She hardly walks because of frailty. She restrained eating for weeks because she knows more than anyone else that she will finally return to her father’s arms.
The princess then settles herself inside the court room. This would be the last day of the princess’ trial.
The lawyer begins the trial by asking the princess in loathing tone, “Why did you kill the king?”
Before the princess could answer, a red smoke appears at the entrance of the courtroom. The princess can clearly see its red tail. The smoke, in its seemingly creature form, begins to murmur, tell them the truth…tell them the queen’s secret. The red smoke then slowly moves upwards the ceiling.
“I can’t answer your question Doctor Scratch be-because I am…I am not the king’s daughter.” Princess Jezebeth asserts her words with lowly eyes. The entire courtroom is flabbergasted of what they heard.
Doctor Scratch faces the audience and declares, “Our princess is telling us at this crucial point of her trial that our queen cheated our king all throughout this time.  And that, Princess Jezebeth killed the king to take over the kingdom because our princess knows that the kingdom would never be hers!”
“No, you’re wrong! The princess would never wish to own the kingdom for herself,” the queen interrupted.
“My Majesty, please take your seat. This trial won’t allow any interruptions even from you, Your Highness.” The Lord Chancellor has taken his authority inside the courtroom.
The queen sat down uneasily and was stunned, too, of what the princess has said. She now looks straight through the princess eyes. A lot of thought have gone into the queen’s mind. My princess. My poor princess would never wish to own this kingdom because hers is greater than this. How did she learn the truth? No… she must not. The truth will destroy the kingdom.
The Lord Chancellor turned its way back to the princess’ case. “Doctor Scratch, you may now proceed.”
“Thank you, Lord Chancellor.”Doctor Scratch moves towards the dock and looks at the princess with hostile eyes. “Princess, we all know that this is the last day of your trial. But, before this day ends, we want to know the truth of the king’s death. Let me ask you once again, why did you kill the king?”
The princess was calm – unlike her past 29 days inside the courtroom. She looks at the queen again and said, “I do not wish to answer your question, Doctor Scratch. Rather, I would like to correct what you’ve accused the queen earlier. The queen did not cheat the king because the queen could not bore a child.”
The queen was stunned this time. This is the end of all. The crowd begin to babble.
“Order in the court! Order in the court!” the Lord Chancellor shouted as he rapped the gavel. After a while, there is silence inside the courtroom. The Lord Chancellor, with shaking voice, then says, “Doctor Scratch…please, proceed...”
“Yes, My Lord.” The Doctor Scratch then proceeded to the interrogation. “Thank you for making this trial easier, princess… Oops, my bad. I mean, Jezebeth.” Doctor Scratch leans in the dock. “Jezebeth, I would like to remind you that this trial is not about your existence. What we need to find out is the truth about the king’s death.” Doctor Scratch is more desperate this time to end the trial. “Why did you kill the king!”
“I did not kill the king,” the princess answered directly with no doubt in her eyes. She turns to the crowd. The red smoke is only a meter away from her.
“But, you were the only person in the king’s room where he was found dead by the king’s servant.” The trial is now getting hot. “I’ll ask you for the last time. Why did you kill the king!”
The princess pauses for a while as the red smoke kisses her cheeks. She then answers the question. “I was…I was there because…because the king was trying to kill me.”
“You are not telling the truth! The king could not cause you any harm because he was already bedridden for a month before he was killed. And, the entire kingdom knows about this truth.”
The princess suddenly stands up and exclaimed, “The king was bidding me from going home. The queen was aware of this because she was doing the same. You have given my father no other choice but to kill the king.”
“Why are you blaming your crime to a person who never....”
Clunk!!! The chandelier fell from the ceiling. The trial was suddenly stopped. Then, all of the people inside the courtroom began to run wild when a red smoke began to appear on the ceiling.
A woman from the crowd rushed towards the princess and spanks her causing the princess to kiss the ground. “This is your fault! Cast away your curse in this kingdom…”
As the princess looks into the woman, the red smoke in the ceiling turned into a huge dreadful creature. It has no body. It’s only a hot-red head with two horns on top of it and a tongue as red as its face. Upon seeing this horrible creature, all of the people inside the room rushed outside of fear. The creature is restive and is looking for someone. It had move for so many times around the room for two meters per second. Its groan covers the courtroom making the place a horror.
The woman who had beaten the princess was now half-way the entrance. But, the creature won’t allow her to escape from its wrath. After it devours the flesh and soul of the woman, the creature puffs back into a red smoke and then it vanished.
Everything is destroyed inside the courtroom and it’s filled with horror. Only the Lord Chancellor, the queen, Doctor Scratch, some of the king’s soldiers, and the princess are left inside the room.
“Arrest the princess!” the Lord Chancellor commanded the soldiers without any doubts. “Execute her!” The soldiers then escorted the princess to the Execution room.
“Stop!”It was the queen trying to speak despite the deep wounds she got after the mayhem. “You’re worsening the situation.” Nobody listens to her plead. The queen has now lost it all – this is the end of the kingdom. She slowly falls down on the floor facing the entrance of the room. She sees the ruthless soldiers forcing the princess to go with them. Thoughts play in her mind again. I should have not stolen you from the Witch cave. I should have taken the red rose, instead.
The red smoke began to appear again.

Note: This is an original story by Red Phantom.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Muling Pagtibok ng Puso

Pauwi na noon si Andag mula sa kabilang bayan. Katatapos lang nyang makipagkalakalan. Ngunit mabigatbigat pa rin ang dala ng kanyang sinasakyang tila karwaheng walang bubong sa likuran. Hindi naubos ang ikinalakal nyang kopras.
        Biglang lumakas ang ihip ng hangin. Nagsimula naring magdilim ang paligid. Bumagsak ang pagkalakaslakas na ulan. Dumulas ang daang tinatahak nya. Hindi na mahagilap ni Andag ang patutunguhan. Binilisan na lang nya ang pagtakbo ng sasakyan nang sa gayon ay maiwasan nya ang muling paglakas ng ulan. Subalit biglang bumitaw sa pinagkakabitan ang gulong ng kanyang sinasakyan. Dumahilig ang kanyang ito at sumunod ang isang malakas na hiyaw. Nagdilim ang paningin ni Andag.
        Naaninag nya ang isang liwanag. Dahandahan nyang inimulat ang mga mata. Dagli syang bumangon. Hindi nya ang alam ang kanyang kinahihimlayan. Nasa papag sya ng isang hindi kilalang bahay. Bumukas ang pinto ng silid ng kanyang kinalalagyan. Pumasok ang isang dilag. Maamo ang kanyang mukha.
        “Nasaan ako?” usisa ni Andag. Hindi sumagot ang dilag. Sa halip ay inilapit sa panauhin ang dalang pagkain at pamunas. “Bakit ako nandito? Anong lugar ito?” tanong muli ni Andag.
        “Huwag kang mag-alala. Ligtas ka na. Mabuti pa ay magpahinga kang muli nang sa gayon ay mabawi mo ang iyong lakas.” Kinuha ng dilag ang tela. Inilublob ito sa tubig saka pinuga. Pinunasan nya si Andag.
        Iniwakli ni Andag ang kamay ng dilag. “Anong ginagawa mo...teka, sino ka ba? Bakit mo ako pinagsisilbihan ng ganito? Ni hindi mo alam kong masama akong tao,” paalala ni Andag sa dilag.
       “Bakit ako magdadalawang isip na tulungan ang isang taong nangangailangan ng tulong ko. May sugat ka pa. Hindi mo pa kayang umuwi sa inyo...” Inilapat muli ng dilag ang tela. Hindi na umayaw si Andag. Pinabayaan nya ang dilag na punasan ang mga sugat nya. Kinain rin nya ang pagkaing inilapag ng dilag sa kanyang harapan.
       Pagkalipas ng ilang oras sa silid, nagpasyang lumabas na ang dilag.
       “Kung may kailangan ka, tawagin mo lang ako...” Binuksan nya ang pinto. “Sya nga pala...Mansiginao ang pangalan ko...tawagin mo lang ang pangalan ko at pagsisilbihan kitang muli Andag.” Ngumiti ang dilag at saka lumabas ng silid.
       Namangha si Andag. Hindi nya inikalang makakatagpo sya ng isang dalagang walang pag-aalinlangang tumulong sa kapwa. Iyon ang una nilang pagkikita.
       Pagdating ng bukas ay sinimulan na ni Andag ang pagkukumpuni ng kanyang sasakayan. Tinulungan sya ng ama ni Mansiginao, si Makalangan. Inabot sila ng hapon sa pagkumpuni kaya nasa tabi lang nila si Mansiginao upang maghandog ng makakain.
       Mula noon, sa tuwing makipagkalakalan si Andag sa kabilang bayan, hindi nya kinalilimutang puntahan ang dalagang minsan nang nagligtas ng kanyang buhay.

Note: This is an original story by Red Phantom.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Rising Sun

Wary of what would tomorrow bring
A rubbish persona has begun his fiddly acts.
Everything would soon vary in million ways
Inside this green labyrinth.

Cries  are heard from here below
Many are frightened of his filthy game
Blubs surely make him fall down, laughing
While criticizing the poor souls in front of him.

We know, it’s only a hoax.
Still, it doesn’t make any difference.
All of the wrongs made are done.
It’s payback time for him.

Then after he draws his daggers on the offenders
They will all vanish like a mystery
‘Til  the time everybody realizes the errs
Up to the time when everybody sees
The next Rising Sun casts its rays.

Note: This is an original poem by Red Phantom.

Graveyard of Hopes

Big trucks with mucky loads are my morning and evening alarm clocks. Each time they passed by me, I am warned to back off. I couldn’t do anything but stand still and witness the aftermath.

Those trucks would then start to fall in line as if giant ants gathering food for the colony. If they could have been real ants, I would be bliss by now. Those trucks would recklessly throw out their loads as if it were too much of a burden.

Every day…those cold-hearted trucks are doing the same. It’s as if they don’t notice the mess they are putting up every time they throw out their loads here. How can those trucks carry the same large amount of loads every time they come over this place?
It’s getting worse. They’re throwing out too much – too much that I cried witnessing how sickening it have become here.

They’re creating a monster. A mount of monster. It’s getting taller – four times taller than I am now. It’s getting wider – too wide enough to turn into a grave of thousands of citizens. How can they let this happen?

Now, I am starting to believe that grandpa has deceived me when I was little. He used to tell me that living in this world is the nicest thing that would ever happened to our likes. But now, where is the cool flowing river that we used to root minerals? Where is the gentle fresh breeze of wind that used to sway our leaves? Where are the green grasses that were supposed to surround us with delight?

Even though I say that I’m getting use to this adverse scenery, it still hurts.
If only those trucks had only brought here the decomposable wastes in the beginning, I would have helped them. But, it’s too late now. This place is hopeless. Even if they’ll stop bringing here plastics and styros, even if they’ll shut this place down, the damage made will never be repaired.

Those ecological wastes that they are starting to feed in this place are useless. My roots will never be able to reach and grab them anymore.

This literary article is dedicated to Cebu City’s Inayawan dumpsite.  

Inconceivable Fear

I have treated you way more than kins
Have been submissive to your wishes
Have heeded to your cries
Have given you almost my everything --
My love, my self-respect.

I have forgiven you
Once, twice, thrice
A hundred times.
Never denies your disgraceful
Given you  worth more than a diamonds

But still
You mashed my pride
You slaved me to death
Crashed down what is left of me
Showed to me what grave is like
While I am still breathing.
You have buried me alive --
Countless times already.

Now, I want to let go of you
And have some self-pity of myself.
I want to erase you entirely in my life 
Even for once, even for this time only
Even for this day

But I can't.
I can't dare not to talk.
I can't pretend and shout, "I don't care!"
Even though you caused me blood of tears,
I still can't ignore you 
'Coz I love you so much
More than the worth of my life.

Note: This is an original poem by Red Phantom.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Taking It Positively

A controversial secret society has been disturbing the thinking and morality of the people around the globe recently. Its members have been believed as followers of Satan and performing satanic belief. This controversial society is the notorious Illuminati.
The Illuminati’s existence can be traced as far as 1000 A.D. However, during those times, this secret society was not yet established. It was Adam Weishaupt, the Grand Master of the Illuminati, who formally founded the controversial society – which is now composed of elites worldwide. Weishaupt was also responsible of bringing up the conspiracy theory of the New World Order, a sinister plot to change the world by forming one government. This order has the following aims: reducing the world’s population; balancing nature’s sustainability by ruthless Population Control Agenda through Planned Parenthood and Reproduction Control; and, mass culling through Planned Parenthood, toxication of water and food supplies, release of man-made viruses inserted into various weapons,
man-made pandemics, mass vaccination campaigns and a planned Third World War. In short, Illuminati plotted to kill about 90% of the world’s population and to control and rule all aspects of the human condition from cradle to the grave.
Learning the Illuminati’s merciless intentions, anyone will be for sure. Most of us have the same fears when we talk of this controversial society especially that Illuminati symbols (all-seeing eye symbol, horns, and the like) are publicized nowadays. However, the weight of Illuminati’s wickedness is left to the individuals’ discretion. Furthermore, each one of us has the liberty to believe or not to believe if the Illuminati group indeed exists. Somehow, believing in their existence does not mean that we have to live a life full of terror. If so, we will turn into bunch of paranoids. We need not to pinpoint Lady Gaga’s obvious-Illuminati art of delivering her songs and how other artists have been starting to do the same. We do not have to refrain ourselves from watching movies which we believed are in uenced by the Illuminati.
I am not saying that we become fans of Illuminati neither I am saying that its members are good. My point here is that we have to open our minds and realize that their existence will not decide on what path we are going to take in our lives. Take for example the tsunami in Japan. Many were claiming that it was done by the Illuminati. We tend to jump into conclusions without putting into consideration the acts of nature. Then we associate it with the forthcoming of 2012 – thinking that the world will end soon and all of these are works of Illuminati. Actually, we are the ones imposing negative auras to ourselves. Maybe we haven’t noticed yet that taking the existence of the Illuminati positively will do good. McDonalds Corp. and Walt Disney, for instance, are believed to be two of the big industries that were part of the Illuminati. Then I ask: Are we affected on how they operate their branches? Do we have second thoughts on purchasing their products?
The same goes if we turn our fears regarding the Illuminati’s existence into our guiding light to check our spiritual status. The more we are aware of the devil’s works, the more we draw ourselves back to our Creator. Consequently, the more we care for our surroundings and act accordingly to what is right.
It is not bad to believe in their existence as long as we will not allow ourselves to be too overwhelmed and get carried away by how the internet are presenting their occult existence. It is better to take everything positively.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Sa Akong Handurawan

Dili ako
Dili imo
Ang hulagway nga akong nakita

Sama sa usa ka tawo
Apan dili tanto
Ingon man sa iring ang mga mata
Apan pula ug malinuogon kini

Sa akong pagduol
Kini milingi nga gatabisay
Ug gilunggob ang iyang mga kuma.

Note: This is an original poem by Red Phantom.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Punch The Summer Break

Do you need some visual entertainment to fire up your brain after the tedious summer lessons? Do you want to escape from all the distress-causing elements of your life? I bet those soft tissues need to relax and get some graphic refreshments for a change. If you are the type who likes fantasy, crime, adventure, and suspense, then the following action-fantasy thriller film and television serial drama will totally suit your taste. Plus, both motion pictures present two different worlds where people would commonly want to escape – from the world of fantasy and from the world of reality.

Prison Break
This American television drama created by Paul Scheuring has truly captured the eyes of the audiences that it won the 2005 People’s Choice Award for Favorite New TV Drama. It has also gained an estimated average viewer of 8.2 million from 2005 to 2009 in America alone.
What made this serial drama popular are the cunning ways devised by Michael Scoeld, (Wentworth Miller) a structural engineer, to help his older brother Lincoln Burrows, (Dominic Purcell) a high school drop-out and convicted felon, escape from prison.
This serial drama aired four seasons, which ran 81 episodes. Its first season follows the rescue of Lincoln, who is sentenced to death because of an accused murder, and Michael’s fight to ward o the execution of his brother. The second season focuses mainly on imprisonment of Michael, together with the other seven fugitives, at the Penitenciaria Federal de Sona in Panama. On the other hand, the third season follows Michael in formulating an escape plan out of Sona and the life of Lincoln outside Panama. The last season is somehow distressing since Michael sacrifices his life for his brother, wife, and child upon learning that he is dying from a brain tumor. A side from its
fistfights, stealthy missions, and sly escape plans, the series appeals to many fans because of its story about two brothers who struggle together to help each other.

Sucker Punch
Reality is the worst prison to break away but fantasy is the best place to scheme an escape route. This is what Steve Shibuya (the film writer) and Zack Snyder (the director) want to relay in their 2011 summer film, Sucker Punch.
Snyder brings the film back on the 1960’s and focuses on Babydoll’s (Emily Browning) feat to escape from reality. The film starts with Babydoll’s ordeal with her stepfather who wants t o
claim h er
deceased mother’s fortune. During Babydoll’s ordeal, her stepfather murders her younger sister and blames her for doing it. Then her stepfather institutionalized her at the Lennox House for the Mentally Insane to undergo lobotomy (a neurosurgical procedure to treat mental illness) so that she cannot reveal the truth about her family’s tragedy.
To cope with the hopelessness of her situation, Babydoll retreats to a fantasy world where she arrives in a brothel owned by Blue, whom she envisions as a mobster. There, Babydoll’s journey to another world of fantasy began. Yes, you read it right. Snyder developed a lm somehow similar to the 2010 lm Inception; though this time, the protagonist enters a world of fantasy to collect ve items she needs to escape. Together with the other dancers at the brothel, Babydoll confronts Nazi steam punk zombies, giant demon samurai, robots, orcs, and dragons. Babydoll’s and the dancers’ cute combat out t while holding the machine guns and the swords during combats are bonuses of the film. On top of that, the film’s awesome graphic arts and the characters’ cool stunts have truly delivered visual feast for the eyes

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

One Day We'll See

Fliers fluttered on the streets
The fight is finally over.
One has prevailed the other eight
Yet the terminus a quo of the beaten
A gateway to a new fall – The mark of activism.

Others scowled while one grinned
He who triumphed was hailed.
Standing in front of the mob
He vowed and guaranteed.
Then, a familiar voice called out
“Excuse me, Mr. President.
Will you do it right this time?”

Note: This is an original poem by Red Phantom.